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Georgia Veterans Memorial Cemetery            photo by D. Nau        

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ATTENTION!  There is a difficult situation in the GA Veterans Nursing Homes (Augusta and Milledgeville).  The basic issue is that they are underfunded by the State of Georgia. They are not able to fill all the beds they have because of this lack of funds.  This means that some of our fellow Veterans who earned the right to receive treatment and care in these nursing homes are not able to get it.

What is needed most is for our our GA State Government to increase the funding for these Veterans Nursing Homes. .

What action is needed??

• Contact your State Legislators  Senator &  State Representative

• Georgia House Appropriations Committee: Matt Hatchet, Chair/243 State Capitol, Atlanta, GA

30334; 404-463-2247;

• Georgia House Human Resources Subcommittee: Katie Dempsey, Chair/245-C State Capitol,

Atlanta, GA 30334;

• Georgia Senate Appropriations Committee: Blake Tillery, Chair/234 State Capitol, Atlanta, GA

30334; 404-656-5038: (Email address located in website: Senator Tillery)

 Contact the Governor’s Office

• Chief of Staff: Lauren Curry, Suite 203 State Capitol, Atlanta, GA 30334; 404-656-1776

Tell them:

• State Veterans Homes are a valuable asset to Georgia’s veterans to meet their healthcare needs following their military service to our nation

• Fully fund the State Veterans Homes in Augusta and Milledgeville to allow them to admit veteran patients up to the maximum number authorized by the VA

• Fully fund the State Veterans Home in Milledgeville to cover the increases in healthcare costs for the NSC veteran patients amounting to $1.3 Million per FY

• Fund the State Veterans Home in Milledgeville by an additional $3.8 Million to permit the Subacute Treatment Unit at that home to open/operate for the 68 veteran patients it is designed to accommodate

• Use some of the excess revenues generated by taxes to make these things happen, rather than returning all the excess revenues to the taxpayers -- Veterans VOTE! 

• Explain the benefits of the veterans’ homes to Georgia’s disabled veterans – Georgia’s payback to veterans for their service to our nation, as opposed to some kind of “one time payment” other states granted all state veterans who served regardless of disabilities

Of course, if you want to contribute to the GA Veterans Nursing Homes as an individual, there is a 501(c)(3) Georgia Veterans Service Foundation (  You may also mail a check to the Georgia Veterans Service Foundation, 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, E-790, Atlanta, GA 30334.


  The following has been signed into law by Governor Brian Kemp  

1 To amend Title 43 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to professions and  

2 businesses, so as to allow military spouses to use an existing license in good standing from  

3 another state to obtain employment in this state; to provide for a definition; to provide an  

4 exception; to provide for investigations; to change certain requirements for the issuance of  

5 expedited licenses by endorsement for spouses of active or transitioning members of the  

6 armed forces to conform to federal law; to provide for the promulgation of rules and  

7 regulations; to provide for related matters; to provide for an effective date; to repeal  

8 conflicting laws; and for other purposes.



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