Georgia Council of MOAA
Georgia Council of MOAA Georgia Council of MOAA
Georgia Council of MOAA

Georgia Council of MOAA
Georgia Council of MOAA

Georgia Council of MOAA
Georgia Council of MOAA
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What We Do

Click on PDF for Annual GA MOAA Conference Agenda

The Georgia Council of Chapters (GMOAA), as an affiliate of The Military Officers Association of America, provides direct and indirect support to affiliated chapters and is an effective platform for supporting the military community. MOAA is the nation's largest and most influential association of military officers. GMOAA is an independent, nonprofit, politically nonpartisan organization.

From time to time defense analysts claim monies used to fund benefits should be directed to the war effort, that entitlements do nothing to promote recruitment and retention. We have a professional obligation, indeed a mission, to extend influence, and help safeguard the earned entitlements of our members. In addition, we need to share our thinking on how our nation’s security can best be provided at home and abroad, specifically by insuring that resources can be better matched to mission requirements.
Our organization, with its leadership and members working together, demonstrate a caring attitude far from the self-centeredness and narcissism of the present age, with a focus on serving the military community.

Affiliated chapters and members are urged to support georgiamoaa efforts by providing financial, material, and human resources, within the context of active participation in Council affairs.

We encourage MOAA members throughout Georgia to demonstrate an interest in strategic goals, make talents, skills, and abilities available, and work for mission accomplishment. It can be a very self-satisfying experience.

Click HERE to find a chapter nearest you.  Click HERE for information about National MOAA.

Georgia Council of MOAA
Georgia Council of MOAA
Georgia Council of MOAA
Georgia Council of MOAA

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