Georgia Council of MOAA
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A group of retired military officers met at the Fort McPherson Officers Club in the early 1950 ’s and formed a retired officers club. The chapter was incorporated in Fulton County Superior

Court on March 14, 1954, as The Georgia Retired Officers Association, Inc. (TGROA). The first recorded meeting was March 22, 1954 at Fort McPherson and most of the charter members were from the metropolitan Atlanta area. Regular business meetings and social activities were held.

Upon application for affiliation with The Retired Officers Association (TROA) in Washington, D.C., a constitution and bylaws for The Georgia Retired Officers Association was approved on April 28, 1954, and certificates of affiliation were issued.

The minutes of the June 17, 1958 meeting included reference to a report concerning the establishment of other chapters in the state. In accordance w it h organizat ion ’s By -Laws (Article XI), the original Atlanta members of TGROA reformed as the Atlanta Metropolitan Retired Officers Association, Inc. Thus, the incorporated The Georgia Retired Officers Association, Inc. was separated from the Atlanta Chapter and became the umbrella organization for all local Georgia associations.

On January 1, 2002, TGROA changed its corporate name to The Georgia Military Officers Association of America, Inc. (GMOAA) following the nat ional organizat ion ’s name change to Military Officers Association of America, Inc.

Following the lead of the national organization, GMOAA is an independent, nonprofit organization, operated exclusively to benefit members of the uniformed services —active duty, former and retired, National Guard and Reserve —and their families and survivors. GMOAA is dedicated to preserving their earned entitlements and to maintaining a strong national defense. The association plays an active role in military personnel matters and especially proposed legislation affecting the career force, the retired community, and veterans of the uniformed services.

Georgia Council of MOAA
Georgia Council of MOAA
Georgia Council of MOAA
Georgia Council of MOAA

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